VITAMIN THERAPY Signature Bags and Ozone $159-179

Personalized Vitamin Therapy in the Comfort of Our Infusion Suite.

  • Trusted by 10,000+ Patients Nationwide

  • 100% Customized Vitamin Therapy

  • Partnered with CGMP Certified Pharmacies

  • Lead by Experts to Help You find the Perfect Treatment

How long do the effects of Vitamin Therapy last?

The frequency of Vitamin Drip therapy is determined on a patient-by-patient basis, we take a customized approach to suit your individual needs. We recommend two Vitamin drips per month for preventative health and wellness to help balance out any vitamin deficiencies.

Are there side effects to Vitamin Therapy?

While there are typically no side effects, any that do appear are usually minor. You may experience some bruising around the injection area, briefly feel flushed, a strange, metallic taste in your mouth, or a cooling sensation in your arm. Most side effects go away quickly and all are treatable.

Is Vitamin Therapy safe for me?

Vitamin Therapy IS safe! All our IVs are administered only by a medical professional (registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, and physicians assistants. It is the same procedure as what is given at the hospital. Many doctors embrace infusion therapy

How often can I do Vitamin Therapy?

In some cases, with people who suffer from advanced stages of autoimmune diseases or cancer, continued Vitamin Therapy may be necessary for nutritional support. Some patients get progressively better and after a series of treatments, they no longer require ongoing weekly Vitamin Therapy, only monthly treatments to maintain balance. Other patients need regular vitamin injections in order to help alleviate symptoms of their chronic or common medical conditions. Diagnostic tests are available to better determine how often a person should be receiving treatments. Check our lab section for information about getting your full micro-nutrient lab panel performed.

Are vitamin packges really effective?

Vitamin Therapy has been administered for over a century. It’s a quick way to provide medication or fluid replacement into your body’s circulation. Vitamin Therapy is a common way to correct imbalances of electrolytes. It can take several hours for the water you drink to be absorbed into your body, while the benefits of Vitamin Therapy begin almost immediately. fad?

Does Vitamin Therapy hurt?

This is all subjective and differs from person to person. Initial administration of the needle may cause slight discomfort, but should never be overly painful. Typically, the initial discomfort dissipates quickly.


Ozone is a gas that consists of three oxygen atoms. The Earth’s atmosphere is protected by the Ozone where it blocks UV rays. Medical Ozone, which is used in a sterile, therapeutic form has been used for centuries to successfully treat numerous conditions and diseases. Ozone also supports your body’s use and intake of oxygen, and helps to activate the immune system.

How can Ozone Therapy help you?

  • Liver Cleansing

  • Immune System Support

  • Improved Circulation

  • Infection Prevention

  • Anti-Aging

  • Fight Against Stress

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Hepatitis B & C

  • Wound Treatment

  • Decrease Inflammation

There are a variety of benefits for those who utilize Ozone Therapy. Antiobiotics are heavily perscribed to treat various illnesses, but antiobiotcs attack good and bad flora within the body. Killing off good flora can greatly weaken your immune system. Ozone also offers an alternative to the toxic side- effects sometimes caused by antibiotics.

One of the greatest benefits of Ozone Therapy is the extreme
support to your immune system.